Hello there! I joined Wreckers in the autumn of 2015, during winter practice, on the recommendation of a friend who I'd danced with years earlier. Unlike many of my fellow Wreckers, I had not seen the side dancing. For me it was a chance to meet new people, and at the same time giving me an opportunity to dance and get some exercise.
My first dance out, therefore, was tinged with nerves and trepidation because I wasn't sure what to expect. I was not disappointed. Something quite dramatic happens when the side gathers, dressed in black and gold, and the band starts to play. We have impact. I am proud to dance with Wreckers, the band are imposing and the dancing is engaging.
I have been on the committee as Publicity Officer for a couple of years, then in a non-portfolio role and from September 2022 will be acting as the Bag person (secretary) for the side. I would like to add that as I am the shortest member of the side I prefer to be referred to as the Bagette
Wreckers has become my extended family. I have met an amazing and eclectic bunch of individuals. Many becoming close and life-long friends. Wreckers enjoy great and entertaining times together during the summer months, dancing at a variety of events and festivals, less so when the days are shorter. Whatever the event, we are entertaining.