I’ve been on the committee for almost my entire Morris career (which started in 2010), mostly as Treasurer, but also did a stint as Foreman, not to mention a half year as stand-in Bag (whilst I was Foreman – but fortunately I’d just retired!). I then took a year off from committee work, but re-joined the committee without portfolio, before becoming Treasurer once more [I always think it’s the easiest committee role, but it seems other disagree 😉].
I started Morris dancing later in life – as a ‘next step’ from Ceilidh Dancing – with Wreckers because I loved the look of the side and the obvious fun they were having. I value the camaraderie within the side (and with other sides), be it when we dance out at a pub, practice nights in the winter months, at one of the numerous festivals we attend in the summer, or just in the bar after any one of the former. Whilst I’m no longer young, I still pride myself in giving any dance the best I can – it helps to keep me fit and fulfilled.